
Develop Actionable 2022 Marketing Goals with 5 Steps

Credit: Pixabay by FelixMittermeier

Have you started thinking about your 2022 customer-focused marketing strategy? In a recent blog on Printing Impressions, Kimberly Meyers explains she recently worked with a client to develop a marketing strategy for the coming year, “We touched on and discussed many aspects throughout the process; go to market, support, product features, and so on. The methodology had the team thinking in new ways as well as maintaining a strategic focus for the coming year.”

Based on that discussion, she offered five steps to think through as you begin planning for 2022:

  1. Use the Information
  2. Business, Sales, Marketing Alignment
  3. Where Does the Product Line Fit?
  4. Your Current Customers
  5. What Will You Avoid?

To explore the reasoning behind these steps and how to implement them for your 2022 planning, read the full blog here.